My Life, A Little Off-Balance: Living and Dying with Cerebral Palsy

512YN7M2K8L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ On July 9, 2018 my friend Amelia McNeilly passed away. One of her lifelong dreams was to compile her blog posts into a book. This is her story.

From the moment she was born, twelve weeks early, Amelia was different. She was a fighter, destined to face a lifelong journey with cerebral palsy. The journey would lead her to overcome stereotypes, discover true joy, and impact countless people along the way. This book is a compilation of her writing–her raw thoughts and feelings about singleness, suffering, laughter, disabilities, life, and death. Enter Amelia’s world, and it just might change yours forever.


“This is the kind of book you need to gain the fresh perspective of positivity that can only be God-given. I love this book. I love this author.”

-Kerry Pomarolli
bestselling author, comedian, and actress