10 Reasons You and Your Man Ought to Get Out of Town

10. So you can remember there’s more to the world than the happenings within your house.
more to world

9. So you can eat somewhere that doesn’t have a playground attached.
8. So you can be inspired.


7. So you can pretend you’re dating all over again.
dating collage 2

6. So you can sleep without interruption.

5. So you can get out of your house and see somebody else’s.
white house collage 2
4. So you can talk like grown-ups.


3. So you can hang out with people you love, even if they’re far away.

2. So you can re-connect with yourself, celebrating your own story as God has written it.
ww2 collage
1. So you can return to the routine refreshed, energized, and grateful, knowing that one of the best things you can do for them…

last collage…is to spend time with him.

Washington DC, 2013

6 thoughts on “10 Reasons You and Your Man Ought to Get Out of Town

  1. I love it! So simply written & so clear (the pics spoke volumes). The principles are timeless.

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